Thursday, October 28, 2010

A New Endeavor

After a bit of a blogging hiatus, I'm back. There has been so much going on in my life that blogging had to take a backseat.

Here's a little recap:

  • Travel to NYC - check.
  • Start a new small group - check.
  • Go to work - check.
  • Continue teaching 6 piano students - check.
  • Have two great friends visit from far away - check.
  • Find out that great friends are moving far away - check. (And check out more on that here).
  • Have a fun Silpada jewelry party - check.
  • Start selling Silpada jewelry - hmmmmm....
That's right - I'm going to start selling Silpada. For those of you who are saying "Sil-what-huh?!", let me explain. It's my new endeavor!

Silpada started in 1997 when two ladies with a passion for great jewelry got together and tried something new. And great jewelry it is - all handcrafted, .925 sterling silver, made with love and sold party-style. The company is exploding all across the U.S. and even world-wide. Once you've experienced the quality of their jewelry, you'll want it all!

And the best part about Silpada? If you host a jewelry party (which means open up your house for me to come in and set up a bunch of jewelry, then invite friends over to try it on), you are eligible for lots of FREE jewelry. What's better than free, high-quality jewelry? Well, not much.

So why am I doing this? Well, I LOVE the jewelry for starters. I sport it everywhere I go and I would recommend it to anyone I know (love the rhyme, right?). Secondly, I love meeting new people and sharing about something I adore. And lastly, who doesn't want to earn a few extra bucks for that savings account?

If you live in the Twin Cities and are interested in throwing a Silpada party, don't hesitate to leave a comment and let me know! I'd love to set something up!