Saturday, March 06, 2010

Much Better!

Finally... the stomach bug is gone! I went back to work on Wednesday and I've been doing well ever since!

We had meal group on Wednesday night and I'm totally pumped about how well it's going. We are the only meal group that is especially for 20-30 somethings and I couldn't be happier that I have people emailing me each week to see if they can join! Our church tends to have more people in the 30-60 age range, which is great, but we are so excited to have younger people coming more consistently! My heart is with people my age (and getting them back to church!), so to see a group finally get started is a real blessing. I have the honor of leading this flock of seagulls (wait... what?), so I'm loving the chance for using some of spiritual gifts of hospitality and teaching again! Any great ideas to get people in their 20s back to church? I'd love to hear them!

A few things to pray for:

  • the Thorpe family - Maggie (the mom) died unexpectedly last Sunday. We had her funeral this morning and it was truly one of the hardest funerals I've ever been at. Jordan went to high school with her daughter, Breann who's getting married this summer. Lots of prayers needed for this family.
  • I went to the dentist yesterday and found out I need LOTS (and by lots I mean more than 10 things) of stuff done in my mouth. Dentists are one thing that bring me lots of anxiety, so my 6 additional visits aren't going to be much fun. The main thing we're trying to figure out is how to afford thousands of dollars of unexpected dental work. Yuck. We're trying to be obedient with our money and trying to figure out how to make this all work.
  • I'm speaking at our youth group on Tuesday. Praying for the students' hearts to be open and for God to speak through me.
Hope you have a great weekend.

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