Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Friends, I have to share something with you. I can't stop reading it and I can't stop thinking about it. It's a new blog obsession, and you can check it out here. It has me itching to do, redo, and undo so many things in our house! Now, don't get me wrong, I love our sweet first home, but after seeing so many brilliant and easy things (that make you go, "Duh! Why didn't I think of that?!"), I'm rethinking our whole house. Is the layout the most accessible? Is this/that/the other thing really organized to its fullest potential? How could I make that cuter? Does that candle holder look good there? It's dangerous, I tell you. It's consumed most of my time during the day while I read their blog and investigate their ideas, and most of my time at night while I either run to Target or Ikea to get their latest and greatest or while I sit and stare at any room in our house. I love it.

One of my favorite parts about this blog is their attention to detail - regarding their finances! We are so well-aligned with their thoughts and beliefs, it makes me squeal with joy. They show that you can do a renovation (or just redecorate!) without going into debt! You just have to be smart about it. Don't even get me started about being smart with money, or I'll talk all day! (But if you want to know, I'd LOVE to get together and chat about it... it's another obsession!).

Anyway, enough for now. I must thank my good friend, Christa, for introducing me to Young House Love. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

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