Friday, July 23, 2010


I'm always inspired to write after my book club Wednesday nights. This week we discussed the chapters about vulnerability and forgiveness. They go together like cookies and milk. Nail polish and toe dividers. :-) So many incredible realizations last night, but one that really stands out for me. Regarding forgiveness, Paula Rinehart said (I'm paraphrazing)... that it starts with one big YES of forgiveness and is followed by lots of little yesses throughout the years.

Forgiveness would be so much easier if it really was the "forgive and forget" type of experience our culture seems stuck on. Forgetting just doesn't happen... but it doesn't have to turn into holding a grudge. It simply means continuing to say YES to forgiving. I've experienced this in so many ways in my life, and for a long time I couldn't figure out why I hadn't forgotten the "incident" I had already forgiven. We just don't work like that.

Forgiveness, vulnerability, and love are all choices we have to make... over and over again. Luckily, we have a great example of how to do that. His name is Jesus and He's a pretty cool guy. :-)

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