Tuesday, February 09, 2010


The past few days have been filled with the silent falling of beautiful snowy flakes. I love snow (something not too many people would admit to), and this latest little storm has made me so happy. Even though the roads aren't very good, I have enjoyed driving slowly and taking in the beautiful white-coated trees and huge icicles. Good thing I live in Minnesota.

Our church is doing a series called Making Love {Last}. Last week we learned about submitting to one another in love. Now here's something most people (especially Americans) really don't like to do - submit. We spend a lot of time in Ephesians - especially around the "submit to one another out of reverence for Christ" in chapter 5, verse 21. Submission has become such a bad word in our society. When we start thinking of it in new terms and in relation to marriage, it becomes a great word... to put the other first. Good stuff. Jordan and I will be in a panel discussion representing the newlyweds on Sunday. We're talking about things we've done to put the other first and how it's impacted our marriage. Should be pretty cool!

My eyes have been opened to a lot of things lately. I told Jordan last night that I think God is getting ready to do something big in my life... seems like things are starting to snowball, between the messages at church, learning about Haiti and everything that people are doing to help there (and feeling helpLESS with how I can help), reading some eye-opening articles and blogs, desiring to spend more time in God's word, and feeling the NEED to do more... something is evolving and I think it's going to be good. I always get nervous writing things like this down because it holds me accountable to continue to invest time and energy into this "thing"... whatever it may be. So, I'm planning to continue praying about it and see what happens. If you have any ideas what it might be, let me know. It's always good to have the advising of friends.

Made some brownies from scratch tonight. I plan to make them fun and Valentine's Day festive tomorrow, so expect some pictures! :-)

1 comment:

  1. We are doing a 5 week series at our church on The ME I want to be. by John Ortberg! It's simply amazing! Maybe that 'something' big in your life if a child?!?! :) maybe not...I hope you find out what that 'something big' is!
